by Crashing Vor
Rachel Maddow brought up a serious issue on Wednesday evening's show (transcript): How is it that we are forced to use the same tools and techniques for fighting oil spills that have already proved fruitless in the deep-water Gulf? Same busted blowout preventer, same ineffective berm, same underwater plumes, same toxic dispersants, same failed containment domes, same junk shot, same top kill—it‘s all the same technology. ... The oil companies keep talking about how technologically advanced they are—but what they‘ve gotten technologically advanced at is drilling deeper. They haven‘t gotten any more advanced on how to deal with the risks attached to that. They haven‘t made technological advances in the last 30 year when‘s it comes to stopping a leak like this when it happens. All they‘ve gotten better at is making the risks worse, by putting these leaks further out of our reach.
continued at Daily Kos....