Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gulf Coast, a reminder

by Knucklehead

 I`m a day late this week, in posting reminders of what kind of life we stand to lose due to the oil gusher in the  gulf.
I know it is presently capped, albeit temporarily, but I worry about the situation going south fast.
  I feel that the decisions that were made in the last few weeks, are to hide to the public, the fact that they (BP) are not very confident they can stop this disaster, even with the relief wells so near completion.
  But I post these images in hopes that people  will never forget this disaster, man made, I should add, & never allow it to happen again.
It seems like greed has taken over, regardless of the consequences to the livelihood of humans, & the lives of all the defenseless animals above & below the surface.


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NYT editorial: Obama must lead on climate legislation

by Laurence Lewis

Unless it is revived and passed, the astonishing collapse of energy and climate legislation in the Senate will be remembered as this era's signature political failure. At a time when Democrats control the White House and both Houses of Congress. Paradoxically, this should serve as an even stronger motivation to elect more Democrats to Congress. There still is a chance to get this right, and we can't afford not to.

The tired excuse that we need 60 votes doesn't fly given the success of so many previous administrations and majorities in passing controversial legislation despite their majorities being smaller than those now held by the Democrats. But even if one accepts that excuse, it only underscores the necessity of changing the rules. To do that, Democrats must retain their majorities, then do whatever it takes to pass the climate and energy bills that the science demands. This is not a time for political excuses. On this issue, we can't afford political excuses. On this issue, we can't afford to be patient or incremental.

The New York Times Friday placed responsibility at the very top, where the buck usually stops. And those who so laud the President for every good piece of legislation that hits his desk need to accept that he also bears the burden when bills don't reach his desk. As the Times puts it:

The Republicans obviously bear a good part of the responsibility for this failure. With a handful of exceptions, they have denied or played down the problem of global warming for years and did pretty much anything they could to protect industry from necessary regulation. There are, however, as many as a dozen Senate Democrats, mainly from the South, Appalachia and the Midwest, who share the blame.


Mr. Obama never fully committed to the fight. He raised hopes here and around the world last year when he pledged in Copenhagen to reduce United States greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent. Until a couple of months ago, he talked a good game, praising the House bill that aimed at the 17 percent target and promising to make every effort to get the Senate to follow.

Then, despite the opportunity offered by the oil spill to press for a bold energy policy, the president essentially disappeared.

And even before he disappeared, his efforts were curiously tepid. His energy speech was a deeply disappointing missed opportunity. He didn't galvanize public opinion, and he didn't play hardball with Congress the way he did at the very end with the health insurance bill. And without his leadership, the Senate did what it usually does and what it undoubtedly will continue to do, without his leadership. As the Times concludes:

There is no chance unless Mr. Obama comes out fighting: calling out the Republicans, shaming and rallying Democratic laggards and explaining to the American people that global warming and oil dependency are clear and present threats to American security.

The science is overwhelming and terrifying as we endure the hottest year on record. This is a historic moment and we can't afford to fail. We need our leaders to lead. Otherwise, we have no chance.

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Let's take over August with Climate Parties!

by texas dem

Senator Kerry and Majority Leader Reid announced this week that cap and trade legislation is dead.  

Technically, they announced that the legislation Kerry, Lieberman, and Graham have been crafting for a year now will not be introduced before the August recess.  Reid will introduce a very minor energy bill instead.  Theoretically, the meaningful bill could still be introduced in September, but if the leaders thought they were remotely able to pass the bill, they would be doing it now, before the fall election season kicks in.  The vote is more difficult to win in September, not less.  Nobody thinks they'll have the votes in September, and nobody thinks the bill will pass before the election.  After the election everything gets worse.  The legislative process has just missed its last best chance to deal with the most important challenge of our times.  It's over.  It's done.  Politics has failed.

It's time for us to fix it.

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Most Successful Conspiracy Theory Evah

by Steven D

Every once in a while I stand in awe at the ability of the greatest conspiracy theorists in the universe who are able to somehow convince millions of people that their concoction of falsehoods, misinterpretations, omissions of critical facts and outright lies are true and that there really is a massive conspiracy among thousands upon thousands of people, governments, corporations and even the military to lie to us in order to hide a terrible truth.

No, I'm not talking about the birthers, or the 9/11 Truthers, or the Free Masons/Illuminati fruitcakes. I'm talking about these guys: the ones who say Global Warming is a Hoax.

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by jamess

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

 ~ Henry David Thoreau, 1854

Loneliness can be conquered only by those who can bear solitude.

 ~ Paul Tillich

Solitude ...

it's one of my prime motivators.

take a few moments to journey through some snapshots
from my own personal explorations,

in search of that elusive space,

otherwise known as Solitude ...

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All SMOG-trucks to be transformed to natural gas!

by jovie131

This is Boone Pickens baby!  He wants all trucks to be transformed to Natural gas.  Viola!  The new energy bill has that provision and it is to be unveiled on MONDAY.
Reid says this bill has a real good chance of passing, as you know, Natural gas burns clean...

Join me over the jump for discusion:

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Animal NUZ: A Daily Kos Exclusive Comic Strip #4

by ericlewis0

strip 4 panel 1post

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Final Update #10: The Week in Editorial Cartoons- Mission Accomplished

by JekyllnHyde

Chris Britt
The Oil Crisis is Solved by Chris Britt,, see reader comments in the State Journal-Register (Springfield, IL)


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BP Catastrophe Liveblog Mothership: 60

by Gulf Watchers

Please rec the new Mothership #61 here. This one has expired.
The current ROV DIARY: Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #239 - Bye Bye Bonnie - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Gulf Watchers Overnight/peraspera

Rules of the Road

  • We take volunteers for subsequent diaries in the sub diaries or ROV's as we have playfully coined them.
  • Please rec this mothership diary, not the ROVs.
  • Please be kind to fellow kossacks who may have limited bandwidth and refrain from posting images or videos.

PLEASE visit Crashing Vor and Pam LaPier's diaries to find out how you can help the Gulf now and in the future. We don't have to be idle! And thanks to Crashing Vor and Pam LaPier for working on this!

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