Monday, June 21, 2010
eKos Earthship Monday: Monsanto's "Defeat" in Supreme Court?
Welcome to the eKos Earthship, your one-stop-shop for green diaries and series.
Beneath the fold you will find news and notes, community announcements, and our eco-diary roundup.
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Tonight's editor: Ellinorianne
All views expressed by today's editor do not necessarily represent those of eKos or eKos listed diarists.
continued at Daily Kos....
Macca's Meatless Monday..Lettuce In
In this weekly series we have been discussing the benefits of a vegetarian diet including; better health, animal rights, frugal living, global food crisis, food safety and the immense contribution of meat production to climate change/depletion of resources.
In the United States, 400 gallons of oil equivalents are expended annually to feed each American (as of data provided in 1994).7
In a very real sense, we are literally eating fossil fuels.
continued at Daily Kos....
BP Burning Sea Turtles Alive In Attempt To Limit Liability?
Daniel Tencer reports this morning at RawStory that it appears that "a rare and endangered species of sea turtle is being burned alive in BP's controlled burns of the oil swirling around the Gulf of Mexico, and a boat captain tasked with saving them says the company has blocked rescue efforts."
"Mike Ellis, a boat captain involved in a three-week effort to rescue as many sea turtles from unfolding disaster as possible, says BP effectively shut down the operation by preventing boats from coming out to rescue the turtles."
continued at Daily Kos....
WH Climate and Clean Energy Meeting Wednesday, Tell Senators to Seize the Moment!
This Wednesday, President Obama is scheduled to meet with about a dozen Democratic and Republican Senate leaders on developing a comprehensive energy bill that can get through Congress.
Leading up to that meeting, we all need to contact these Senators (see contact information below) - Harry Reid, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham, Richard Lugar, Barbara Boxer, Jeff Bingaman, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Judd Gregg, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Jay Rockefeller, and Debbie Stabenow - and let them know how strongly we feel about this issue. A few key points to emphasize as we make our calls and write our emails.
continued at Daily Kos....
The Black Wave ...and how to stop it.
I am wondering why I attempted to tackle such an issue on this beautiful day. It is a big one. But I spent my Saturday night watching a documentary film called THE BLACK WAVE that haunted me since then. It demonstrated to me two major issues about the Gulf of Mexico disaster:
- Just how important the success of President Obama securing the 20 billion fund is to begin to compensate the people of the Gulf
- Just how far we have to go.
continued at Daily Kos....
Bush/Cheney Exec Order 5/01 = Gusher in Gulf
Late last night I read the powerful, incredible New York Times expose on the knowing failure of oil corporations and intentional lack of the right safety equipment that caused the Gusher in the Gulf. I had just written a diary on Bush's Executive Order to give free rein to oil corporations! The link between the two could not be more clear: BP chose to do everything fast and dirty. Had they not ignore safety reports about faulty BOPs and shear rams failures, they could easily have avoided this catastrophe.
BP knew they were operating unsafely. Read the Times article.
The Bush/Cheney administration had empowered them to do so from May 2001. If Republicans are going to blame this disaster and its cleanup on Obama then let the true blame be placed on Bush/Cheney for enabling the oil industry to run roughshod over safety precautions, regulations and oversight.
PLEASE REC the BP Catastrophe Liveblog Mothership!
continued at Daily Kos....
How thick is the slick?
The NY Times has this graphic showing the extent of the surface oil slick as of yesterday:
The grid squares on the map are about 70 miles on a side (~5,000 square miles each), and the total area of the slick as shown is about three of those squares, or 15,000 square miles of ocean surface.
The estimates of the oil flow rate from the well of course have been all over the park. A story yesterday reports that an internal BP memo pegged the "worst case" flow at 100,000 barrels per day.
So let's take that "worst case" estimate and see how it comports with the NY Times picture.
continued at Daily Kos....
The Invisible Hand Gives Deep Water Drilling the Finger
More than once in these posts I've cited the work of Times-Picayune business reporter Rebecca Mowbray. She is deeply knowledgeable in many of the industries that affect our state's economy, particularly energy and insurance. And this Sunday, she drove a stake through the heart of a simplistic talking point at the crossroads where those sectors meet.
continued at Daily Kos....