Monday, August 9, 2010

Do you think I'm dumb or somethin'?

by icebergslim

continued at Daily Kos...

Moscow deaths double in Russia's worst ever heat; eKos Earthship Monday

by eKos

PhotobucketWelcome to the eKos Earthship, your one-stop-shop for green diaries and series.

Beneath the fold you will find news and notes, community announcements, and our eco-diary roundup.

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Tonight's editor: ellinorianne

Please remember to rec the BP Catastrophe Liveblog Mothership: 76

All views expressed by today's editor do not necessarily represent those of eKos or eKos listed diarists.

continued at Daily Kos...

Markey to Deniers: Go Live on the Greenland Iceberg

by MeMeMeMeMe

Saw this and thought it was too good not to pass along:

The Hill reports that on Saturday, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), who has been leading the legislative effort to confront climate change, used the occasion to chastise his obstructionist colleagues:

   "An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan has broken off Greenland, creating plenty of room for global warming deniers to start their own country," Markey said in a statement.

Great idea. The population density of New York City is 26,403 people per square mile, so if the iceberg is approximately 100 square miles, that means over 26 million people can comfortably fit on it! Maybe not enough to accommodate every global warming denier, but as the old lawyer joke goes, "it's a good start".

But back to the story...

continued at Daily Kos...