Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dawn Chorus: Of Warblers and Weekends

by juliewolf

Warblers are small, fast moving birds, which can be very hard to identify, but when you are lucky with them, it's pretty awesome. [as I prep this piece, there are chimney swifts flying around the house, mocking me with their speed.  Warblers may be fast, but chimney swifts are insane] This prairie warbler is one such bird.  I've only seen prairies a few times in my life, and about half those times were in one specific location.  Kennebunk Plains, in Kennebunk, ME.  They show up in other places, but I mostly find them at this one spot.  They're not hard to identify: notice the white on the tail.  When they fly,it's like a yellow dark-eyed junco.  And notice the facial lines: like someone took the letter "P" and faced it down.  If you remember those two pieces of information, you'll know Prairie warblers from a lot of others. Today's dawn chorus will talk about warblers, warbler IDs and pretty much anything else I want to talk about :)

continued at Daily Kos....