by A SiegelSkepticism... the ability to question unquestioned beliefs and stated certainties is a powerful intellectual tool.
Sadly, "skepticism" is receiving a bad name through
association with those erady, willing, able, and enthusiastic about denying the reality before their (and our) own eyes about the global changes in climate patterns and humanity's role in driving these changes.
Questioner ... Skeptic ... Denier ...
To often, it seems, skeptics/deniers are simply stated as derived from X motivation, Y reasoning when, in reality, the situation is more complex. While it quite possibly exists, I have yet to see a treatise examining and deconstructing different types and motivations for deniers and skeptics when it comes to Global Warming.
Join me, after the fold, for a shot at Typing Skeptics: Providing a Window on the Varying Motivations for Global Warming Skeptics ...
continued at Daily Kos....