LaughingPlanet asked Why Doesn't the World Care About Pakistanis? I answered his question the day before as part of my Climate Change News Roundup for tonight because why the world does not simply rush without question to help our brothers and sisters is crucial to our shared future. (However, my CCNR grew to over 5,000 words so will post it as a separate diary tomorrow.) The world has been discussing the reasons that are generally related to fear and fatigue. In the U.S., Bush used racism to spread fear with the now presumption that all Muslims must be terrorists. Even if the financial crisis precludes our ability to donate to Pakistan, we can take actions to dispel the fears and support each other to override the fatigue so that friends or colleagues will donate money. Everyone can help to try to prevent future disasters because government officials and some scientists now openly state that the fires in Russia and the floods in Pakistan are linked to climate change.
continued at Daily Kos....