Thursday, November 18, 2010

eKos: America's Descent into Madness

by FishOutofWater

Conservative beliefs, which have not evolved from their agrarian tribal roots, are incompatible with a world population of 6.8 billion.
The first 10 months of 2010 tied with the same period in 1998 for the warmest combined land and ocean surface temperature on record.

Pew Poll Oct. 27, 2010

Views about climate change continue to be sharply divided along party lines. A substantial majority of Democrats (79%) say there is solid evidence that the average temperature on earth has been increasing over the past few decades, and 53% think the earth is warming mostly because of human activity. Among Republicans, only 38% agree the earth is warming and just 16% say warming is caused by humans. Roughly half of Republicans (53%) say there is no solid evidence of warming. These patterns are little changed from a year ago.

continued at Daily Kos....

dailycancun: mosaic:EARTH & HARMONY

by boatsie

"In a musical context, the word dissonance is defined as ‘a combination of tones contextually considered to suggest unrelieved tension requiring resolution.’ In other words, the creative resolution of dissonance is harmony.

Dissonance of the cognitive variety abounded at last week's G20 meeting in Seoul where world leaders once again declared they would "spare no effort" in addressing climate change. Yet when it came to acting on their promise to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, a measure which would cut nearly 6% of energy related CO2 while bolstering the growing clean energy sector, they were clearly not singing from the same hymn sheet."
Kelly Rigg, Executive Director of the GCCA

continued at Daily Kos....

Senators Tester and Baucus Support Palin

by FoundingFatherDAR

  Senators Jon Tester and Max Baucus have introduced Sen. bill 3864, which would delete protections of wolves in Idaho and Montana, allowing Sarah Palin and her blood hungry wolf hunter pals to decimate those populations.
 Description of S 3864 -

To remove a portion of the distinct population segment of the Rocky Mountain gray wolf from the list of threatened species or the list of endangered species published under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and for other purposes.


continued at Daily Kos....

GOP Congress and climate: we are screwed

by psychbob

...Democratic and Republican, liberal and conservative and Tea-Party and Green and Libertarian, young and old, and for generations to come.  And yes, it is because of the election results.  With the Republicans back in charge of the House, and beholden to both the batshit-crazy anti-science know-nothings of their base on the one hand, and the fossil-fuel corporate giants who poured so much outside money into their campaigns, on the other, it is absolutely guaranteed that no meaningful action on climate change, cap-and-trade, and alternative-energy production will be taken over the next two years.  Even if the Democrats come roaring back in 2012, it will still take another year before they could cobble together and pass a useful bill to address this problem, and years after that to produce a meaningful impact.

continued at Daily Kos....

Last Chance to Tell EPA We Want Strong Coal Ash Safeguards

by Bruce Nilles

The comment period ends tomorrow for the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed federal safeguards for toxic coal ash.

Coal ash is the by-product of burning coal for electricity, and it contains a toxic mix of chemicals: mercury, arsenic, lead, chromium, selenium, and more.

We've been calling for strong federal safeguards from EPA during the comment period over the past few months. You've seen more than 2,000 people wanting protection from coal ash rally and then pack the eight EPA public hearings across the U.S. We've helped more than 118,000 concerned citizens send in their comments via email and postcard so far.

continued at Daily Kos....

LSU prof ambushed by right-wing video mash-up

by Keith Pickering

Last week, a right-wing think tank called the Leadership Institute snuck a non-student spy into the lecture of Dr. Bradley Schaefer of Louisiana State University. The spy had a video camera, and the Leadership Institute (and its offshoot called Campus Reform) boasts "state-of-the-art T.V. studios." The result: a Breitbart-style selectively edited ambush video that unfairly maligns a good teacher for doing his job.

continued at Daily Kos....