Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Spill tons of oil: Go yachting... Hang a banner: Go to jail?

by Hopeful Skeptic

What the hell is wrong with this country when horrendous environmental disasters go virtually unpunished, and non-violent, non-destructive activism result in the possibility of months in jail?

Environmental activist Ted Glick is facing possible jail time for hanging banners on the Hart Senate Office Building.  One of the banner's read "Green Jobs Now" and the other read "Get to Work".  That hardly sounds like the kind of dangerous anarchism that deserves jail time, does it?

But, the fact is that Glick faces a maximum penalty of 3 years in jail, and while he's not likely to get the max sentence, there is a good chance he could end up serving months in jail.  Especially since the prosecuting attorney's are pushing for a severe sentence.

More details, links and action you can take below the fold.

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What Does it Look Like Inside One of Those Huge Fishing Nets?

by Ellinorianne

You know those nets we hear about from gill nets to purse-seining nets, the ones that are full of not just tuna, but sometimes full of other fish and dolphins, turtles and other sea animals that wind up dying because of the use of outdated and dangerous methods that wind up doing a huge amount of harm to other species.

The New York Times did a huge expose on the Tuna's End because of our over fishing of this one very popular fish.  But it's not just overfishing of tuna that's doing irreparable harm to our oceans, it's the method by which we catch them.

continued at Daily Kos....

URGENT: Climate Debate begins in earnest today! (ACTION diary)

by LaughingPlanet

This news is also breaking...

Today, the President held a private meeting with key people in the current energy/climate debate in the Senate.

Muted Outcome from White House Energy Meeting

The statement reflects no wavering by Obama on his insistence that "the best way for us to transition to a clean energy economy is with a bill that makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy for America’s businesses by putting a price on pollution."

Here’s the White House statement:

The meeting the President hosted with a bipartisan group of Senators was a constructive exchange about the need to pass energy and climate legislation this year that lasted more than an hour-and-a-half. The President made clear his view that a full transition to clean energy will require more than just the government action we’ve taken so far. It will require a national effort from all of us to change the way we produce and use energy.

continued at Daily Kos....

Why Can't U.S. Wind Power be like this? [Update]

by tergenev

I'm not a wind industry financier, as is Jerome a Paris . .I'm just a fan of sustainable energy. I have been for 30 years. I tend to follow the news on these things. And while I like the way things are going in terms of the adoption of new energy generation technologies, particularly wind, I see a story such as the one reported today in WindPower Monthly, and I find it quite irritating. The city of Yumen in the northwest Chinese Gansu Province, has announced that they will be constructing a 500MW wind farm next month, and they will use nothing but Chinese built turbines. Why are the Chinese able to do that, but something so straightforward, so direct, to spur the U.S. industry is seemingly impossible?

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John Boehner Contradicts John Boehner on BP Oil Disaster

by TheGreenMiles

John Boehner is a formidable opponent. For John Boehner.

You see, John Boehner thinks President Obama is doing too little to respond to the BP oil disaster. But John Boehner, on the other hand, thinks President Obama is doing too much.

It depends on which John Boehner you're talking to. Is it the John Boehner trying to pander to voters? Or the John Boehner trying to suck up to Big Oil?

continued at Daily Kos....

Climate Change -- Jihadist Plot?

by Steven D

Who knew that extremist Jihadi Muslim Arab Islamofascists would go to such great lengths to destroy our beloved American Oil Companies and wreck our economy as to hold a conference on Climate Change in which they push the leftist propaganda of Al Gore? The horror! No, the TERROR!

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FARCES of Coal: Apple Juice Creeks and Gatorade Streams

by J e d

Remember FACES of Coal? The less than bona fide astroturfing organization whose members keep turning up on iStockphoto.com?

Well, the antics continue as they're none too pleased with the EPA these days.  It seems the EPA has got it in for Apple Juice creeks and Gatorade streams.  Typical right?!  Far as we know, Lisa Jackson and Obama don't yet mind Willa Wonka's chocolate river, but we'll keep you posted.

More Below!

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Scott Brown: Wrong on the Merits AND The Politics of Clean Energy

by Lowell Feld NRDC Action Fund

Two weeks ago, Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts) met with President Obama and "told him he would not support a cap-and-trade plan or carbon fee to limit greenhouse gas emissions." In the Boston Globe, Brown is quoted as expressing how "excited" he is "about working with [Obama] in a bipartisan manner to come up with a comprehensive energy plan."

continued at Daily Kos....

BP Catastrophe Liveblog Mothership: 35

by Gulf watchers

The current ROV DIARY: Gulf Watchers ROV # 156.

Rules of the Road

  • We take volunteers for subsequent diaries in the sub diaries or ROV's as we have playfully coined them.
  • Please rec this mothership diary, not the ROVs.
  • Please be kind to fellow kossacks who may have limited bandwidth and refrain from posting images or videos.

PLEASE visit Crashing Vor and Pam LaPier's diaries to find out how you can help the Gulf now and in the future. We don't have to be idle! And thanks to Crashing Vor and Pam LaPier for working on this!

continued at Daily Kos....

A Bipartisan Strategy for Energy Leadership

by Teryn Norris

By Teryn Norris and Clifton Yin
Published by The Huffington Post

When President Obama and key Senate leaders meet today to reach a compromise on energy and climate legislation, they should strongly consider increasing federal investment in clean energy technology to at least $15 billion annually.   This is a comprehensive third way strategy to improve U.S. energy independence, economic competitiveness, and climate security, and it deserves bipartisan support.

We are a Democrat and Republican.  One of us campaigned for Barack Obama in 2008, the other as a delegate for John McCain.  One of us worked on energy and climate policy for the progressive Breakthrough Institute, while the other worked on similar issues for the conservative American Enterprise Institute.  We disagree on a wide range of issues, and we hold different economic philosophies.

continued at Daily Kos....

Green diary rescue & open thread

by Meteor Blades

At SolveClimate, Leslie Berliant writes:

Earlier this month, California voters rebuffed a power-grab by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), defeating a ballot initiative that would have helped the utility maintain its monopoly on electrical power in northern California.
California’s Prop 16 would have required local governments to gain the support of two-thirds of voters before purchasing local power. The state’s voters rejected the measure. It would have made it extraordinarily difficult for local governments to create or expand their own municipal utilities and compete with PG&E.
PG&E is not the only utility company using legislation, ballot propositions and lots of cash, to try to hold onto its monopoly or control the future of power supply in the vicinity of its operations.
In May, an attempt by New Hampshire utility PSNH to spend most of the state’s renewable energy project funds was rejected by the state legislature.
In Kansas, Sunflower Electric Corp has been waging an ongoing battle to build new coal-burning power plants that would export most its power to out-of-state customers.
And in Colorado, the state’s Renewable Energy Standard (RES), passed by a large majority of voters, is facing attack in the legislature.
But in these fights, political influence and a deep war chest does not necessarily translate into victory for the utilities. PG&E spent $46.1 million on the failed ballot initiative in California. Opponents say they stopped the utility with a campaign that cost less than $100,000.
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The green diary rescue regularly appears on Sundays and Thursdays. Inclusion of a particular diary does not necessarily indicate my agreement with it. The rescue begins below and continues in the jump:
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Brad Johnson of the Wonk Room, known here as The Cunctator, explained how Senator Harry Reid Calls The Bluff Of The Climate Peacocks: "Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is giving obstructionist senators a chance to finally take action on climate and clean energy, after they attempted to block the "unelected bureaucracy" of the Environmental Protection Agency from doing so. After holding a 'thrilling' climate caucus with his members last week, the Democratic majority leader plans to bring an 'impenetrable' comprehensive package of legislation to repair the damage caused by fossil fuels to our economy and our planet."

NRDCActionFund suggested that it might beTime to Turn Off The A/C At the White House?: "...perhaps we should all hope for the White House air conditioning to be broken tomorrow – or turned off on purpose - so that the Senators meeting there get a taste of what the planet will feel like everywhere if they don’t do something about it now.  When you think about it, a bit of Senatorial sweat and a few stained shirts is not too high a price to pay if it results in long-overdue, comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation on the President’s desk sometime this sweltering summer.  Is it?"

continued at Daily Kos....