by BruceMcF
Burning the Midnight Oil for Living Energy Independence OK, the story so far: "BP", which seems to stand for "Blatant Phonies", lies about being able to fix a problem it lies about being almost certain not to happen and due to entirely predictable criminal negligence catastrophe strikes ... because we in the US are addicted to crude oil, the "Texas Tea" that finances the Texas Tea Parties ... and if we cut our petroleum addiction by 5% each year, in 20 years we'll be off the stuff. Transport needs about 7 5% solutions per decade over the next two decades. With the White House policy as one, Steel Interstates, Nationwide Oil-Free Liberty Transport networks, 5% of trips by Active Transport, and doubling the fuel efficiency of cars carrying 10% of passengers, that's 5 of the 7. But of course, five 1% solutions make a 5% solution too. So I am looking for 10 "1% solutions". Heck, if we have enough of them, we can get 10% over the next two decades from 1% solutions even if they are not all 1%.
continued at Daily Kos....