Thursday, July 29, 2010

Keystone XL Pipeline: A Failure of Environmental Security

by RLMiller

The Keystone XL pipeline, under construction, will transport oil from the Athabasca tar sands in Alberta, Canada across 2000 miles of the midwestern United States and ultimately to the Gulf Coast.  The State Department issued a Presidential permit in 2008.  However, last week the Environmental Protection Agency gave the project its lowest possible rating, and Monday the Department of Energy raised additional concerns.  Tuesday, the State Department took the rare step of delaying its final permits, at least through the end of the year.

The Gulf oilpocalypse has, perhaps, begun to focus attention on environmental security: the idea that potential harms to the environment can't be remedied by "polluter pays" fines and damages, but instead are threats to our national interest.  Just as energy security asserts a national interest in keeping oil flowing, environmental security asserts a national interest in pristine skies and plentiful water for generations to come.  The Keystone pipeline is one huge threat.

continued at Daily Kos...