Thursday, July 29, 2010

Global Warming: Are you f***ing scared yet?

by LaFeminista

Well you should be.

Still we go on belching out pollution on a daily basis with little or no regard for the future. We merrily hack down the rain forests that might just help alleviate the problem, we watch the coral reefs die and sigh.

However this is nothing compared to a recent report

Scientists have discovered that the phytoplankton of the oceans has declined by about 40 per cent over the past century, with much of the loss occurring since the 1950s. They believe the change is linked with rising sea temperatures and global warming.

I will let that sink in, the basis of the oceans food web has been reduced by 40%. Phytoplankton are the building block upon which all life in the ocean depends.

Are you fucking scared yet? Well you really should be.

We are relentlessly destroying our habitat by throwing oil at it, by carving off tops of mountains, digging up whole areas for tar sands, belching carbon dioxide into the air like there is no tomorrow.

So if you see the ocean turning blue start to worry, because that deep green is the very heart of our oceans.

continued at Daily Kos...