Thursday, August 5, 2010

California Pioneers Clean Energy Solutions W/Fun Poll!

by passionateprotagonist

Here's the back story:  Senate inaction on energy/climate leaves me disheartened yet more determined than ever to do something, now.  A recent conversation with a voter revealed that energy efficiency measures have saved her $40 per month on electric bills over the last year. (I love connecting with voters...lots of learning and inspiration for me).  Finally, a comment by Kossack FishOutofWater gave me a big nudge.

"We are wasteful and inefficient users of resources."   FishOutofWater 6-29-10

The Senate failed despite having a willing participant in the energy industry. Utility companies support a bill that mandates greenhouse gas emissions and favors renewable energy.  They prefer dealing with Congress, not the EPA/ Clean Air Act.

"Industry has been here over and over again literally begging the Senate to put a price on carbon. "  Senator Mark Udall, D-CO

Maybe the climate peacocks didn't want to stick out their necks before midterm elections, or the fear of being targeted by teabaggers for backing climate measures was too much to bear. Some say the recession makes it difficult to pass legislation that could increase electricity costs.  Enter California.

continued at Daily Kos...