Friday, July 30, 2010

Renew The Child Nutrition Act - The Senate Needs Help

by Ellinorianne

It's time to vote, or at least we may think it is time for the Renewal of the Child Nutrition Act and I've been following very closely for almost a year now.

This is important policy that affects the lives of thirty million kids a day and what may be the only source of nutrition they receive if they are facing hardships in their personal lives.  School food matters, what we chose to feed our children is a reflection of what our priorities are as a society.  Not only does it say how important do we think our children's health is, but it has been proven to have an impact on their ability to learn, thrive and succeed academically.

And the other issue at the forefront here is tied to health care, sustainable agriculture and where our Government puts its farm subsidies.  Boy, and you thought it was just school lunches.

continued at Daily Kos...