Saturday, July 10, 2010

Population and the Economy

by penguinsong

All animal species are hard wired to increase their populations at a maximum rate.  This gives each species a maximal chance for survival.  Humans are also animals and have very similar instints.  When animals have too much population for their resources they have hard times.  In nature this forces a die off and a return to equilibrium.  When people have too much population for their resources we have recessions, depressions and wars.  WW II was particularly effective in reducing the population and giving the survivors better lives.

In 1950 the USA had approximately 150 million people.  In 2010 we have well over 300 million.  Since 1950 we have had an explosion in technological and economic development.  We should all be having much better lives than those primitive Americans had in 1950.  We are suffering economic malaise because our population is growing faster than our economy.  

continued at Daily Kos....