Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mojo' Hikin' / A California Photo Journal

by delmardougster

California is a land of superlatives - highest peak in the lower 48, lowest point in the lower 48, hottest recorded temperature, largest living trees, tallest living trees, oldest living trees, most designated Wilderness in the lower 48, and the list goes on. Even with more people living in California than in many of the western states combined, California is still rich with natural beauty and wide open places. This was not by accident. In the land of John Muir's greatest work it is no accident that California has a long and enduring conservation ethic. I love California and with no disrespect intended, I couldn't live anywhere else in America. I will post many more diaries about California so let's just start in one small sliver of the Golden State.

Question - What is the highest waterfall on the continent?

More down the trail...

continued at Daily Kos....