Thursday, July 8, 2010

Getting Off the Grid....Slowly but Surely.

by Patric Juillet

It has been our dream to get off the grid, and build a safe environment for our daughters. There are basically four things to do: install a panoply of solar panels and/or purchase a small wind turbine (easier said than done, believe me); sink a water well (that is costly but ultimately viable), plow a portion of available land and purchase a plastic tunnel with the view of becoming self-reliant on vegetables, and build a kick-ass hearth oven, one that will withstand the fierce westerly winds and heavy winter rains of our Emerald Isle. Well, because I seem to start at the end, I've built a neat cooking/roasting/baking device that will be around for quite a few decades.


As you can see the finished product is now ready, complete with twin chimneys, and what follows over the jump is a pictorial diary of its construction, brick by brick!

continued at Daily Kos....