Thursday, July 8, 2010

BP Makes Me Sick

by Forrest Brown

UPDATE: We're at 22,000 signers. Can you help us hit 30,000 today?

Good morning, I'm Forrest Brown, senior organizing fellow at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

We just sent out an email to PCCC members letting them know that BP blocked workers cleaning up the oil disaster in the Gulf from wearing protective respirators.

Keith Olbermann reports that workers are breathing in toxic fumes day after day -- and some have already landed in the hospital with nausea, chest pains, and headaches. Yet BP seems more worried about controlling what images the public sees than about the health of workers.

Shame on them. Watch Keith Olbermann’s report on this issue -- then join us, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and  22,000 others in demanding action from the White House. Click here.

Then read the coalition statement below.

continued at Daily Kos....