Monday, July 5, 2010

Bathrooms, Idaho, NYT and BP oil

by theworksanddays

OK, too easy a title, but it all fits.  The NYT did the story on the lack of adequate review by the Fish and Wildlife staff of the Department of the Interior on the need to protect wildlife in the Gulf when doing the BP deep water drilling.  For some reason the NYT story fails to mention that the oversight, theoretical and legal, if not in reality, of the Fish and Wildlife Servied was Dirk Kempthorne, former Governor of Idaho and, until now, his biggest embarrassment was the money he spent on a fancy bathroom for himself during the less than two years he spent in the position. Why the NYT did not do any real research or point out who was really supposed to be in charge under Bush/Cheney, in reviewing this Fish and Wildlife study, remains to be determined, but here is at least part of the background.

continued at Daily Kos....