Monday, July 5, 2010

Asteroid collision Averted ... with a Large Assist from the Sun

by jamess

Asteroids can Kill.  No doubt about it.

Just ask the Dinosaurs!

Anyone unfortunate enough to be stuck in the path of one --
doesn't really stand a chance.

Unless that "Someone" happens to have the Intellect,
to channel, and re-direct the immense power of Nature,
towards a Better Outcome.

That someone, should be Us.

Mirror satellites 'could divert asteroid'

The best way to divert an asteroid from a potentially catastrophic collision course with Earth is to deploy a "swarm" of mirror-bearing satellites to focus a beam of sunlight onto its surface, scientists say.

Is there a bigger lesson here?

Archimedes said:

"Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."

Of course Archimedes was well versed in the principles of Physics,
and the prime mover in the concept of ... Levers ...

continued at Daily Kos....