by Ellinorianne
I thought about writing something regarding the remarks Mr. Carville made regarding the Obama Administration's handling of this nightmare that's continuing to unfold. I wake each morning, hoping that it was only a bad dream to find that it has just gotten deeper and more devastating in its enormity. But the issue is this, it's so huge, so unknown that I don't even feel qualified to delve into the quagmire. The most damning circumstances to this Administration continues to be the previous administrations cozy relationship with Big Oil, shunning of the scientific community and total lack of oversight for many things that now affect the outcome of this nightmare. I am not here to defend the apparent lack of urgency by the Obama Administration, I am frustrated beyond words that more political pressure has not been put on BP, Transocean and all those involved to do the right thing, which seems to be inherently lacking in their vocabulary because oil, profit and covering their assets seems to be a larger priority.
continued at Daily Kos....