Saturday, May 22, 2010

"...reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

by windje

So closes the appendix authored by Richard Feynman in the report of the commission on the Challenger disaster, and like BP, NASA was criticized for its lack of openness with the press. The Challenger accident (and subsequent commission) parallel the current BP disaster in many ways, not the least of which is the failure of the rubber seal in the blowout protector. The Challenger accident has frequently been used as a case study in the study of subjects such as engineering safety, the ethics of whistle-blowing, communications, group decision-making, and the dangers of groupthink. Ronald Reagan appointed Richard Feynman to the Challenger Commission. His televised experiment dunking a section of O-Ring into ice water led to the truth of what caused that accident.  Less well known is his criticism of the engineering process at NASA. President Obama - Who on the BP Commission will be your Richard Feynman?

continued at Daily Kos....