Wednesday, October 6, 2010

OMB Censored Accurate Calculations of BP Oil Flow

by FishOutofWater

The OMB, headed by the anti-environment conservative Peter Orszag, censored NOAA's worst case estimates of the BP spill.National oil spill commission staff report PDF

It is the understanding of the Commission staff that the possibility of releasing the worst-case discharge figures was at least discussed at the Unified Command level.46 The Commission staff has also been advised that, in late April or early May 2010, NOAA wanted to make public some of its long-term, worst-case discharge models for the Deepwater Horizon spill, and requested approval to do so from the White House‟s Office of Management and Budget.47 Staff was told that the Office of Management and Budget denied NOAA‟s request.48

continued at Daily Kos....