Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Engage the Climate Zombies!

by A Siegel

As if you aren't already aware, the vast majority of Republican candidates for Federal office are "climate zombies": people who reject the scientific method, falsely accuse the leading scientific institutions and scientists around the world of fraud, and who embrace service to fossil-foolish interests over service to the American people (both today's and the yet-to-be-born).  

With all their talk of being "Pro-Life", the Anti-Science Syndrome Hatred Of a Livable Environment tendencies of these leading Republicans is yet another nail in the coffin proving their utter hypocrisy. These people care about life? Fossil Foolish practices and Climate Chaos devastation has killed, are killing, and will kill people around the globe. A lot of people ...

Sadly, however, far too few Democratic politicians and Democratic institutions are calling out these climate zombies for their (proud) anti-science stance.

continued at Daily Kos....