Sunday, September 5, 2010

Unpublished Letters: Three from the Climate Change files ...

by A Siegel

WarrenS has taken on an admirable resolution: to send a letter to the editor (LTE) (or, well, a major politician) every single day, on the critical issues of climate change and energy.   This discusses his approach and here is an amusing 'template' to for rapid letter writing.

Now, I have always written letters and even had many published -- just not one every day.  WarrenS inspires me to do better.

Many newspapers state that they will reject letters that have been published elsewhere, thus I have not been blogging letters ... perhaps that should change. Thus, below is what might be the first in an "unpublished letters" series publishing some of those LTEs that don't get picked up by the editors.

continued at Daily Kos....