Sunday, September 5, 2010

Double Dealing Dirty Canadians Want To Clean You Up

by terryhallinan

They seem so nice.  So hospitable.  I once thought that the ubiquitous Tim Horton's with dank, weak coffee and pastries that only Burger King could make worse had to be a Canadian company that patriotic Canadians chose to patronize.  It's actually a division of Wendy's.  They will just let anybody in it seems.  Even let George Bush in despite his conviction for drunk driving.

Hey, I like Canadians - except when they're driving.  Only a Yellow Cab driver in New York City or an Angeleno creating new angels regularly can be more frightening behind the wheel than the average Canuck.

But they be doing the planet dirt, even worse than Americans.

An example below the fold.

continued at Daily Kos....