Thursday, August 26, 2010

A World Lacking Leadership and Vision.

by LaFeminista

Here we are standing on the brink of a crisis greater than any war, and in itself may be the cause of the greatest conflict ever to be seen by man.

We are turning our oceans into a plastic soup and yet some still insist this is only a physical pollution yet they are also wrong.

We flood our oceans with oil every year let alone merely with the outrageous accidents in the Gulf of Mexico and the slow strangulation of the Niger Delta.

We continue to pollute the very water we drink and then spend billions of dollars and create additional pollution in cleaning it sufficiently for human consumption.

We pump green house gases into the air with unabated ferocity as if our own doom was something to look forward too, yet some still insist on burying their heads in the burning sand.

continued at Daily Kos....