Thursday, August 26, 2010

Solar's Bright Future in the US, assuming Incentives continue

by jamess

If you need a reason, to get out there, and get Democrats re-elected, here ya go ...

Solar Power: Brighter Long-Term Investment Outlook
Energy standards requiring U.S. utilities to use solar power could drive growth for companies ranging from inverter makers to installation financiers
David Bogoslaw, Bloomberg Businessweek, -- 8/25/2010

With U.S. installed capacity growing at a faster pace than that of the international market, the country may be on track to become a more dominant market by 2014, according to Larry Sherwood, an analyst at the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC).

Some 23Gw of solar capacity are under development in the U.S., enough to provide electricity for 4.4 million households, according to the Solar Energy Industries Assn. (SEIA). Solar demand in the U.S. is expected to grow 75 percent in 2011, compared with 2010.

Sounds Great!    What's the catch?

continued at Daily Kos....