Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bikes In Heat On Open Streets! - A Portland Photo Diary

by JayinPortland

I don't know why I do this, but I hang my jacket on this planter hook on the ceiling right in front of my window.  At least 3 or 4 days a week I slowly open my eyes to what looks like some huge guy standing over my bed pullout couch in the dark, at which point my heart considers early retirement.  For a few seconds at least, until I get my bearings and remember that it's just my jacket and that jackets only attack people in weird cult flicks.

So anyways, this is how I started my day.  Jumped in the shower, choked down a bowl of oatmeal and cursed myself for not setting the coffee maker last night.  Well, I'll just hit the coffee shop across the street for a cup and I should make the bus because it's not due for...


Whoops.  Okay, well now I have 17 minutes to get my cup of coffee and make it back to the bus stop.  And I did.  We're heading up to work SE Portland Sunday Parkways, and then we're gonna hit the Hawthorne Street Fair for a little bit afterwards.  Come along!


continued at Daily Kos....