Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On Doing vs Talking

by erratic

I spent an hour on the phone today with someone, that was probably entirely wasted. It concerned an environmental project that I've been working on for almost two years now, documenting and reporting sediment-related pollution events connected with a large highway project in the area. It's been a very frustrating project for me, because it basically involves being witness to a lot of destruction, without many tangible accomplishments as a result. There have been improvements, but each time I go out to monitor, I find the same problems, often at the same sites.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to do this, because I do feel that it's important and meaningful work, and while I don't expect much significant improvement on this project, I hope that it will play a factor in discussions about future construction projects, and raise public awareness about the issue. I'm grateful for the people I've met and worked with as a result, and I'm grateful for what I've learned about myself, and the skills I've developed. "If not me then who, if not now, then when?", I remind myself, when things seem futile.

continued at Daily Kos....