Wednesday, July 14, 2010

EcoAdvocates: Obama May Reverse Bush on Indigenous Rights

by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse

Bush voted against UNDRIP (the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) ostensibly because the declaration was subject to "conflicting interpretations and debate about its application" and therefore not "capable of implementation." If this standard applied to the U.S. Constitution, it would not exist.  

In reality, Bush did not like that UNDRIP recognizes a range of rights that address corporate and governmental plundering of resources as well as abuse and discrimination.

Elections have consequences.  President Obama recognizes that UNDRIP provides a framework for addressing the rights of indigenous peoples so he is now reviewing whether the U.S. should join 144 other countries with its endorsement.

Deadline for your two cents is tomorrow.

continued at Daily Kos....