Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BP Ecocide v14.0: Fake Command Center Pics Admitted

by vets74

This came out Monday. The follow up astonishes.

Yessirreeee....... BP went and repeated a plot twist out of Sean Connery's "Rising Sun" movie. All that's missing is a dead gal sprawled on a conference table and snips from XXX porn  footage.

Still... faking a pic for BP's "Command Center" kinda takes the cake for screw-the-facts, no respect dishonesty.

2001 enhanced

BP admits they reworked a 2001 photo. Put it on their web site. (John Aravosis bagged them at AmericaBlog.) Plutocrats to the core.

Corporate Culture On Display

D'oh... &MBTF :::

continued at Daily Kos...