Friday, June 4, 2010


by incondite

I woke up this morning to this diary and finally it happened. I couldn't breath. I choked up. I felt sick. I ran outside and screamed for a good 20 minutes. I threw things. I punched things. I begged to a god I don't even believe in. I looked and felt ridiculous. But what the fuck else can I do? I feel so completely helpless. I can't contribute, I can't volunteer. I can't do anything to solve this mess because the monsters who created it made it impossible to do so. So now I want to know: where the fuck is the remorse of these criminals? I don't mean self-pity for crashing stock prices. I mean real remorse. I mean remorse for murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent wildlife. I mean remorse for killing 11 hard workers. I mean remorse for destroying one of the most beautiful places in the world. I mean remorse to the millions of people who will lose their jobs, tourism, and livelihood for decades. I mean remorse for the dirtied beaches and wetlands that will never again look the same. I mean remorse for the irreparable damage that you have done to our beautiful Earth, damage you cannot fix.

continued at Daily Kos....