Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm so sad. Floating doom, sign of things to come? (no pics)

by Gorette

Grief. That, on the edge of the rage. Feels like getting ripped up inside. I don't even live on the coast, but in Florida it's not that far as the crow flies. Encroaching slicks of oil are floating doom. What in hell are we doing? Oil corporations endanger our planet. Are they beyond the law or do they just act that way? It's not just here, but everywhere. They get away with worse elsewhere! Here, our media and culture are not letting them get away with hiding it all, as hard as they have tried, $50 million ad campaigns and all. What does this signal for our future here on earth? What does it say about us? Unbelievable. Just now: Out my window I spotted a gaggle of white geese across the lane! Never before. Beautiful creatures, escapees? Another day four wild turkeys were feet away from where I sit. Ancient looking dino type creatures! More below.

continued at Daily Kos....