by Vyan
It's been a long time since that fateful night in Boston when in protest of the Tea Act, a set of Americans committed a Terrorist act of vandalism by dumping boxes of Tea from the British East India Company into the Ocean. Since Teh Book Learnin' isn't really high on their agenda, the modern day self-titled Tea Party with their anti-Government, Anti-Tax rhetoric have repeatedly failed to realize that the heart of the original Boston protest - was a Corporate Tax Cut that would have undermined local businesses. The North ministry's solution was the Tea Act, which received the assent of King George on May 10, 1773.[26] This act restored the East India Company's full refund on the 25% duty for importing tea into Britain, and also permitted the company, for the first time, to export tea to the colonies on its own account. Even with the Townshend duty in effect, the Tea Act would allow the East India Company to sell tea more cheaply than before, undercutting the prices offered by smugglers. And one wonders just how they might ultimately react to the British Oil Attack?
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