Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stupid Liberals Demand Criminal Not Clean Up Crime Scene!

by slinkerwink

Here's a story for you guys. One day, the police gets a tip that a crime has been committed, but that the criminal is still within vicinity. So, what does the police do? They go over to where the criminal resides, asks him to participate with the police, and to go back to the crime scene. All of this sounds normal at first, but then there's the twist to the story--the police puts the criminal in charge of the press operations, data-collection of evidence from the crime scene, and orders the criminal to clean up any sort of blood stains at the crime scene. Meanwhile, the press relies on the criminal for any sort of information about the crime scene, the criminal lies about the evidence, hires and abuses contractors, and refuses to abide by environmental laws. And the criminal ignores the order from the police to stop using a toxic solvent in cleaning up the crime scene. This is what our government is doing with BP. This is wrong, and liberals at the Center for American Progress have proposed a different path for our government to take with BP.

continued at Daily Kos....