People want to know what they can do for the Gulf as many find themselves steeped further and further in anger and frustration. It's well founded and I think this all this pent up rage is what finds us struggling to grasp on to who we should blame, what's not being done fast enough, what can we do, what does this mean for our future, ecologically and energy wise.
There are so many answers and people aren't getting enough questions. Dying animals and sick workers is just the least of our worries. The future of our Country and how we are going to power our very existence without further destroying Mother Earth is an important question and we need more answers that go beyond nuclear, coal and gas.
This is a chance to set a new course, just as many horrible catastrophes have changed the course of human history, we can hopefully find a way to make this the dawn of something better for us, for our Children and for the planet.
continued at Daily Kos....