Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On Taking Down British Petroleum, Do We Really Want That?

by Something the Dog Said

Is it time for the United States to break British Petroleum? It is within the power of the government to do so in a lot of ways, but with all big moves there are going to be serious consequences. The case against the world’s fourth largest corporation(the other three are Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobile and Wal-Mart) is pretty strong. They have flouted the law time and again. There have been criminal environmental charges which BP plead guilty to; there are the deaths associated with the explosions at both Deepwater Horizon and the Texas City refinery; then there is the apparent ass-covering moves in reporting the amount of oil which is spewing from the broken well in the Gulf. One of my fathers axioms was "Greed knows no boundaries". When greed is involved the only thing that can limit the actions of a huge corporation is the law. This is what led him to spend much of his life taking cases for clients that sued insurance companies and automakers for their callus actions in pursuit of a few dollars more profit. The law is what needs to be deployed against BP. "Originally posted at Squarestate.net"

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