Tuesday, June 8, 2010

BP crims advised: say 'goodnight," hire nastiest lawyers

by Gorette

Waking this morning thinking: Bloody British Petroleum!  Bloody Petroleum! Criminals. That's how most Americans view BP today, myself included. Bloody friggin criminals. Bloodied our Gulf and precious wildlife. Had a diary ready to go about the criminals known as BP which I'll put below these first remarks that will tell you why you need to be even more angry at  and afraid of BP. Below you get two diaries for the price of one. Read about their criminality. Yet I'm torn in writing this because of my love of Britain and Brits. Roots half British (Eaton and Wickwire). Obsessed with British detective novels. Spent time there, and made lifelong friends. Majored in English and grew up watching old British films with my mom (fav: "I Know Where I'm Going" with Dame Wendy Hiller.) Ah! London plays with Guinness, Guilgud, Finney and Scofield. Ballet, Dame Margot Fonteyn in her 50's was young Juliet.

continued at Daily Kos....