Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Louisiana: 109 health complaints related to oil spill

by Jed Lewison

ProPublica notes the latest numbers from Louisiana state officials on health complaints related to exposure to materials connected with BP's oil spill, including the cleanup. In total, Louisiana reports 109 complaints, 74 of which came from workers and 35 of which came from residents.

According to the report, headache, nauseau, and throat irritation were the most common complaints. While about half of residents merely called poison control center, most of the workers visited the emergency room (55 of 74), a health clinic or doctor's office (10), or were hospitalized (9). Also according to the report, most of the hospital stays were short.

The large majority of workers said they were exposed to either emulsified oil mixed with dispersant or odor and fumes from the spill. BP has denied any connection between the spill and the illnesses, saying that the workers were simply falling ill due to "food poisoning."

continued at Daily Kos....