Wednesday, June 16, 2010

$20,000,000,000 Megavictory for POTUS & Planet Earth UPDATED x3

by ericlewis0

UPDATE 3: Please rec this diary up - we're being buffeted by a massive category nine troll storm. Arrr. :)

My hat is off to another elegantly executed epic win for the Obama Administration. 20. Billion. Dollars.

From Wikipedia:

The rope-a-dope is performed by a boxer assuming a protected stance, in Ali's classic pose, lying against the ropes, and allowing his opponent to hit him, in the hope that the opponent will become tired and make mistakes which the boxer can exploit in a counterattack.

In competitive situations other than boxing, rope-a-dope is used to describe strategies in which one party purposely puts itself in what appears to be a losing position, attempting thereby to become the eventual victor.

A brief anatomy of a brilliant plan after the jump...

continued at Daily Kos....