Monday, June 14, 2010

Fishgrease: Booming BP Execs

by Fishgrease

Hiya Boomers. I guess it's time for me to get all cultural again. No tech this time. I've worked amongst BP and other corporations like them. I'm going to be discussing BP executives here, the tippity toppest of them who are the primary problem -- but I need to start with a warning:

DO NOT research where anyone lives or anything about their lives as a result of what you read here today. DO NOT picket, protest or go anywhere near the private homes of anyone. ANYONE! Doing so is stupid, overwhelmingly counterproductive and if you do it I will denounce you with language more foul than any I've used so far. My crap is being read outside Daily Kos quite a bit and I cannot control that. So I include this warning, not for Kossacks, who don't need such a warning, but for those outside of the DKos community, a very few of whom might lack common sense. You may hate corporate culture as much as I do. Maybe even more. But we effect change in Congress and in print. Not in person. You want to picket BP Headquarters, fine. Wish I could join you. I can't. I have a big opiate addiction family to support.

Here we go. Continued below.

continued at Daily Kos....