Sunday, June 13, 2010

Clean Energy: an Unimpressive Response to Disaster.

by RLMiller

The nation is hungry for something to be done in response to the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.  Support for offshore oil is dropping along with public perception of BP (still not as evil as Goldman Sachs, but for how long?).  Oilpocalypse consumes President Obama's time, and Tuesday he'll address the nation on the disaster.  Congress will continue to hold hearings.  Some legislation will come out of this...but what kind?  

The Gulf crisis has spotlighted the wrongs inherent in our fossil-fuelish ways.  The crisis deserves a mobilization of all resources.  Although reading tea leaves is an uncertain business, the Senate appears poised to take up a hodge-podge clean energy bill instead of the climate bill that would end, once and for all, our fossil fuel addiction.  Our leaders are wasting this crisis.  

continued at Daily Kos....