Sunday, August 22, 2010

Overnight News Digest: Science Saturday (Woodward Dream Cruise 2010 edition)

by Neon Vincent

Welcome to Science Saturday, where the Overnight News Digest crew informs and entertains you with this week's news about science, space, and the environment.

This week's featured story comes from Michigan Radio.

It's Dream Cruise weekend on Woodward Avenue
Steve Carmody

Tony Michaels is the Dream Cruise executive director. He says in a time when more hybrid and electric cars are hitting the streets, he expects the popularity of the Dream Cruise will grow.

"It probably put more importance on the nostalgia for the people who own these older cars and keep them in great shape and keep them pretty much forever," says Michaels.

People are already feeling nostalgia for the gas-guzzling, fossil-fuel-burning past.  I consider that to be a good thing.  It means that era is about over.

More after the jump.

continued at Daily Kos....