Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Bipartisan Strategy for Energy Leadership

by Teryn Norris

By Teryn Norris and Clifton Yin
Published by The Huffington Post

When President Obama and key Senate leaders meet today to reach a compromise on energy and climate legislation, they should strongly consider increasing federal investment in clean energy technology to at least $15 billion annually.   This is a comprehensive third way strategy to improve U.S. energy independence, economic competitiveness, and climate security, and it deserves bipartisan support.

We are a Democrat and Republican.  One of us campaigned for Barack Obama in 2008, the other as a delegate for John McCain.  One of us worked on energy and climate policy for the progressive Breakthrough Institute, while the other worked on similar issues for the conservative American Enterprise Institute.  We disagree on a wide range of issues, and we hold different economic philosophies.

continued at Daily Kos....