Sunday, October 24, 2010

Who can put a Price on the Environment?

by jamess

EcoEconomics in a Nutshell

Our free market economy is nothing more than a huge auction called 'Supply and Demand', which - very efficiently - puts a price on on everything.

The problem is that it allows us to sell everything - the last drop of oil, the last tree, the last fish, the last of everything. It's called growth - but it is, obviously, growth into oblivion - the exact opposite of EcoEconomics. It is a fatal flaw of our present economic system.

Or, as Greenpeace puts it: "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money..."

The eco-economic price for a natural resource is, therefore, the price you would have to pay if our planet were to release that resource only at a sustainable level.

Who can put a Price on the Environment?  ... We all should.

Afterall if we end up decimating the planet's EcoSystems --  trying to sell off their once abundant natural resources -- We can't eat the money ... or gold either, can we?

continued at Daily Kos....