Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rare Chance to ? WH on Climate--in a Few Hours

by Bill McKibben

It’s been a long year for people who care about global warming: the failures in Copenhagen and in Congress were great blows.

But it’s been a pretty good week: the announcement  on Tuesday that the Obamas would put up solar panels on the WH roof, the pictures the next day of Maldivian president Mohammed Nasheed doing that very thing, the announcement yesterday that Illinois governor Pat Quinn is going solar too. Oh, and the mayor of Mexico City announcing that they’ll cut carbon emissions in the world’s third largest city by 10%.

All of this leads in to’s huge Global Work Party on 10/10/10.—which, with 7000 events in 188 countries will be the largest day of environmental action in the planet’s history. Hell, it will be the most widespread day of political action on any issue ever.

continued at Daily Kos....