Monday, October 11, 2010

Macca's Meatless Monday...Apple Scruffs

by beach babe in fl

In this weekly series we have been discussing the benefits of a vegetarian diet including: public health, global food crisis, animal rights , food safety, better health and the immense contribution of meat  production to climate change/depletion of resources/public health

because of increases in population and per capita consumption we will have to cut back on meat between 19-42% by 2050 just to keep environmental damage at current levels.

"a profound disconnect between the anticipated scale of potential environmental impacts associated with projected livestock production levels and even the most optimistic mitigation strategies."

in really simple terms: More meat means more greenhouse gas emissions, more nitrogen runoff and pollution, and more land needed for grazing or to grow food for animals which humans will eat.

continued at Daily Kos....