Sunday, October 17, 2010

lessons from the early years of offshore wind in Europe

by Jerome a Paris

As I keep on being extremely busy at work and with little time for blogging, the only thing I can find the time to write about is precisely what I'm working on, namely offshore wind and its financing. There was a conference on the subject last week in Atlantic City which I attended, and which generated a lot of attention (with over 1,500 attendees) and during which the federal lease for Cape Wind was signed.

While no turbine has been built in the US yet, there are high hopes that there will be some in the near future, and one of the ways to make that happen faster is to absorb the lessons from the European experience, where close to 2,500 MW have been built already. So here's my take on what can be usefully learnt.

Part of my series on Wind Power with the usual disclosure that my work (as an independent consultant) is to advise offshore wind projects find debt financing.

continued at Daily Kos....