Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Corporations Want their Country Back! BP funding Tea Party Climate Zombie Campaigns

by worldforallpeopleorg

BP and several other big European companies are funding the midterm election campaigns of Tea Party favourites who deny the existence of global warming or oppose Barack Obama's energy agenda, the Guardian has learned.

I'm sure a lawyer could tell us how that is somehow not a case of foreign corporations influencing American elections? ( They're outta be a law!) But this is worse than a corporate take-over of a nation.

This is a deliberate and knowing corporate manipulation of the gullible minds out there that buy into Rush's lies - and Inhofe's and Palin's and Beck's insanities - against the facts, to the detriment of Americans and people everywhere. You can help. Send the following facts to the climate zombie/denialist nearest you:

continued at Daily Kos....